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The Premonition’s Curse

zzgl. £24.95 GBP

A New York police detective solves cases by using his ability of premonition. But, when a serial killer with an attachment to a baby rattle and old photographs targets Manhattan, the detective and his loyal partner may be in over their heads. The visions are more disturbing than ever, and after he sees his own murder, he needs all the help he can get to track down the diabolical killer…

Autor : M. R. Klass
ca. 212 Pages
SKU: the-premonitions-curse Categories: ,
Starting at 26.95 GBP
incl. VAT plus delivery costs

(Italic:will be replaced with your input)

Characters :

6 male and 3 female roles

Main male character

Lawrence Dade, a young, smart and honest homicide detective; his parents were killed in a car accident; has the gift/curse of premonition which helps him to track down criminals; get's emotionally involved in his cases; thinks honor and moral are above everything; is uncounsciously in love with his partner Sarah who returns it (no explicit love scenes, just a couple of tensed moments); very set in his ways; lives on coffee but hates doughnuts; wanted to become an illustrator but chose to fight for justice instead; his 'ghost uncle Jesse gives him counsel and helps him through hard times.

Main female character

Sarah Maitland, a young and good-looking woman; Lawrence's partner and friend; secretly in love with Lawrence but they are both too stubborn to confess; very analytical in her methods; well-educated, she has studied in Harvard but had to left to tend her father and finally became a detective; both parents are dead; helps Lawrence during hard times and to understand his gift; get's shot in the end but survives since she wears a bullet-proof west


Jane Jensen, a young, ambitious TV anchor with the desire for fame and fortune; really fashion-conscious she has an expensive taste; she would do anything for a story; best friends with her cameraman Garret Wang, together they follow the killer's trace; her energy makes her a disturbance for Lawrence and Sarah but they somehow get along; gives Marcus the nickname The Baby Rattle Killer and therefore he tries to kill her; gets some bruises but survives and becomes famous by writing a book


Garret Wang, a daring cameraman who cut his teeth in Iraq; dedicated to his job; freinds with Jane he would do anything for her - and for a good story; he and Jane get kidnapped by the killer but are saved by Lawrence and Sarah

The main male character's uncle

Jesse Dade, Lawrence's uncle who takes care of him since his parent's accident; gives Lawrence good counsel and teaches him to use his gift of premonition; Actually he is a ghost, lingering in the world of the living as long as Lawrence needs him; prevents Lawrence from being killed in the end and disappears

Police Captain

Maurice Trumbell, police captain and Sarah's and Lawrence's boss; short-tempered but honest and dedicated to his job; has served as a U.S. Marine and then decided to be an uniformed police officer like his father and grandfather; very strong and excelled in close combat; supports Sarah and Lawrence wherever he can even if they cost him some nerves; gets injured but survives

Medical Examiner

Darcy Flemming, a leading medical examiner; supports Sarah and Lawrence in most of the cases; is concerned about Lawrence but only as a friend; very analytical; she appears only on the crime scenes and doesn't get involved in the final chase

The Police Captain's Nephew

Alden, a young, motivated policeman; captain Trumbell's nephew; eager to help but doesn't get involved in the case; as a freshman he gets a little bit mocked by Sarah and Lawrence but actually does a good job; very small role


Marcus Winchester, mid-age man, working in a photo shop at days - a brutal serial killer at nights; son and heir of a previous serial killer and one of his victims; was raised by his father to capture and kill women - even his own mother; kills his victims by forcing a baby rattle in their throats and then cutting it out again - therefore he gets the name The Baby Rattle Killer; feels humiliated because of the nick name and gives up his mascerade to kill Jane and Garret; gets catched, shot and sent to a mental institute; manages to escape in the end

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New York, Manhattan




Two Police Detectives are chasing the brutal Baby Rattle Killer through the streets of NY. Visions of the murders help them to solve the case, but when he sees his identity put to public humiliation by a motivated journalist and her cameraman, he doesn't held back anymore. A compelling story with lots of brutal scenes, some of them in the killer's point of view
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The room is dark – it’s the basement from the photos. Lawrence turns around to get his bearings. The large wooden door! His heart races as he runs for it, reaching for the latch. When he reaches the door, he passes through it like a ghost. He stumbles but catches himself. The scene is frozen in time: the metal table, the woman, the fat man, and the small boy. All are present like before but this time he’s inside the room instead of simply viewing it. Lawrence walks around, taking time to look at each of the people. The woman is battered, bruised, and cut with blood oozing from her wounds. As Lawrence looks around, the scene begins to move. Slowly at first, but it quickly speeds up to normal. Despite all of Lawrence’s efforts he cannot interact with his surroundings but can only watch as an observer.
“Come here, boy,” demands the large man. The small boy backs away from the table, fear in his eyes. “Come. Here. Now!” he says through gritted teeth. The boy gulps away the lump in his throat and he tentatively walks to the man.
“Yes, Father?”
The man raises his hand to strike the boy but he stops when the child cowers, shielding himself from the oncoming blow. The man laughs then becomes very serious and leans down to speak to the boy. His voice is low and harsh. “I told you never to call me that. Ever.”
“I’m – I’m sorry…”
“Come here!” orders the man as he grabs the boy by his shirt collar and pulls him closer. He manhandles the boy to force him into a position where he can’t avoid seeing the woman on the table. The boy averts his eyes but the man grabs his head and locks his neck in place.
“Ow! That hurts… please stop… please…”
The man raises his hand and slaps him. “Shut up. You’re weak and whiny. Like this whore.”
He points to the woman but decides to lift the child up to better see her naked body on the table. He does so violently with zero concern for the boy. The woman is strapped down to the table. Despite the many fresh cuts and a myriad of old scars, she is still alive. Her breathing is shallow and wispy.
“See this whore? It’s her time to die. It’s your time to finally become a man.”
The man throws the child to the floor. “No buts, you spineless insect.”
He walks over to where the boy landed and is cowering. He squats down to face the boy, pointing toward the table. “That whore birthed you. Your weakness is on her and her poor stock. If you don’t end her miserable life, I will. And then I will end yours.”
The young boy shakes his head and then gets to his feet. He runs toward the large wooden door but the man, despite his girth, is able to step in front of him and catches the boy around the waist. With little effort he heaves the boy upward and slams him on the table next to the woman. She moans a little at the scraping on the metal. The man holds the boy down by putting pressure on his chest. The child’s eyes well up with tears, afraid beyond any level of fear he’s ever felt before.
“Choose. You live and you earn the right to call me father or you both die.”
The child nods his head slowly, his tears flowing. He sniffles and he sits up once the man alleviates the pressure on his chest. The big man reaches into his pocket. A large, sharp knife is removed and handed to the boy. The man steps away and watches as the child feels the balance of the blade in his hand. He fumbles it multiple times, not the weight but the implication of what it means.
The young man grits his teeth and with one swift move of the blade he glides it over the woman’s throat, cutting her deep and sure. The blood pours out from her throat. He drops the knife and collapses next to her sobbing; clapping sounds come from behind the child.
“Bravo! Well done,” says the man as his claps become more earnest. He approaches the child and gently touches his shuddering shoulder. “You may now call me father, Marcus.”

The room falls to pieces like broken glass. Darkness. Lawrence stands in the center of the room until he’s ripped out of it. The world he knows comes rushing back; the smelly alley in all its glory. Lawrence is on the ground, surrounded by Sarah and crime scene technicians. He sits straight up, eyes wide.
Lawrence! Are you okay? What happened?”
“We’ve been so wrong. We need to go,” says Lawrence as he springs to his feet and approaches the driver’s side of the car.
“Where to?” Sarah asks bewildered.
“To the hospital to catch a serial killer.”

Frequency of appearance

We have summarised all personalisation options for this book here. We also listed the Frequency of appearance for the respective details. You do not need to fill in all options – you can also use the defaults.

Main male character

The christian name of the main male character is
592 x
The surname of the main male character is
42 x
The main male character's eye color is
1 x
The main male character's hair color is
1 x

Main female character

The christian name of the main female character is
319 x
The main female character's surname is
12 x
The main female character's eye color is
1 x
The main female character's hair color is
2 x


The journalist's christian name is
105 x
The journalist's surname is
25 x


The cameraman's christian name is
86 x
The cameraman's surname is
15 x

The main male character's uncle

The christian name of the main male character's uncle is
54 x
The surname of the main male character's uncle is
1 x
The main male character's uncle's eye color is
1 x
The main male character's uncle's hair color is
1 x

Police Captain

The Police Captain's christian name is
4 x
The Police Captain's surname is
56 x

Medical Examiner

The medical examiner's christian name is
33 x
The medical examiner's surname is
11 x

The Police Captain's Nephew

The Police Captain's nephew is called
8 x


The Killer's christian name is
80 x

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