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Star Struck

zzgl. £26.95 GBP

She is in love with a pop star and in order to finally meet him, she stows away on his tour bus. She is hurt when the bus has an accident, and is allowed to remain as a crew member. Together with her idol she is touring through Europe, but the star remains distant and cool towards her. It is only when an insane fan tries to murder him that they become a couple…

Autor : Lucy Sanders
ca. 112 Pages
SKU: star-struck Categories: ,
Starting at 26.95 GBP
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(Italic:will be replaced with your input)

Characters :

Not personalized characters:

Männliche Hauptrolle

Roy, the hero, is an American superstar who wants to keep Len exclusively for himself. Hence he cooks up a vile plan which destroys their love.

Weibliche Hauptrolle

Leni, the heroine, achieves her dream to be together with her idol, Roy. Soon she, too, will appear on stage.

Mutter der männlichen Hauptrolle

Clarissa is Roy's mother. She has led a very hard life until recently and Roy is prepared to do everything for her happiness. Even if it costs him his own...

Beste Freundin der weiblichen Hauptrolle

Mia is Leni's best friend and supports her vigorously.

Bester Freund der männlichen Hauptrolle

Nick is Roy's best friend who wants for Roy to be happy at last. Nick likes Leni and when she needs him, he is there for her.

Ex-Freundin der männlichen Hauptrolle

Mandy is Roy's ex-girlfriend and a celebrated actress. When she finds out that Roy has fallen in love with Leni she concocts a perfidious plan...

Berühmte Popsängerin

Jenny is a famous pop diva. When she hears Leni's fantastic singing voice, she persuades her to take part in the casting show 'Searching for a Star'.

Alternder Popstar

Andros is part of the jury panel of 'Searching for a Star'. He is an aging rock star who likes to think he is still twenty. He is terribly vain and self-important.

Fieser Programmdirektor

Thomas, the meanie, is also part of the panel. He is head of programming and notorious for his cutting sound bites.


Aida is the head of the jury of 'Searching for a Star'. She is a producer and will write a song for the winner of the show. Leni is her favourite candidate, but when Leni needs her, she drops her.

Konkurrentin der weiblichen Hauptrolle

Eileen is a tough fighter and is hell-bent on winning 'Searching for a Star'. She is Leni's friend at first, but turns into her worst rival.

Sensibler Bühnenarbeiter

Kajus, a sensitive roadie with the strength of an ox, in love with background singer Sally.


Sally, background singer, who gets together with Kajus, thanks to Leni's matchmaking.

Ein Bühnenarbeiter

Jeff, roadie on Roy's tour.

Ein weiterer Bühnenarbeiter

Toby, roadie on Roy's tour.

Zweite Backgroundsängerin

Sandra, Roy's second background singer.

Musikalischer Leiter der männlichen Hauptfigur

Mike, Roy's musical director.

Managerin der männlichen Hauptrolle

Kate, Roy's manager.


Frank Cutter, famous talk show host, dreaded for his indelicate questioning.

Fahrer der männlichen Hauptrolle

Arnold, driver of Roy's tour bus, which Leni stows away on.

Bodyguard der männlichen Hauptrolle

Tom, Roy's bodyguard.

Zweiter Bodyguard der männlichen Hauptrolle

Mario, Roy's bodyguard.


Ali, the lighting engineer on Roy's tour.

Schwuler Visagist

Didi, the gay make-up artist on Roy's tour.

Tochter der beiden Hauptrollen

Fleur, Leni and Roy's little daughter.

(Italic:will be replaced with your input)


Celebrity novel with love story and one kissing scene


Britain, Miami, Paris, Rome


The present
(Italic:will be replaced with your input)


One eye shadow, two shower gels, one lipstick, two catalogues. Leni's hands followed the signals above the pigeonholes almost mechanically. The computer knew exactly which products the customer had ordered and all Leni had to do was to pack them into a box. A tedious job, the things she did for money! She needed it to buy a ticket on the black market, to the concert by Roy that had sold out months ago. For years he had been her absolutely favourite singer. She simply had to see him live! Not just that, she fantasized constantly about how she would see him alone, without hordes of screaming girls between them, because she wasn't one of them. And Roy would never notice until they had some privacy.

Countless times she had imagined how it would happen, how their first meeting would go. Roy was considered difficult and temperamental in the music business, but Leni was convinced that in person he had to be simply enchanting. She could sense it. How else could he have written all those sweet love songs?

She could have entered one of those meet-and-greet contests. The big prize was a dinner with Roy, but Leni hadn't bothered. She would have been just another timeslot for Roy. No, she wanted to meet him accidentally. He should never know that she had been in love with him for three years. The best thing would have been to run into him in the street, but since Roy lived in Miami and she lived in New York, the chances for that were slim. Still, she could spend hours picturing this scenario: She was sitting on a park bench and in this exact moment Roy came jogging past her. Their eyes met and he was so fascinated by her looks he ran into the next tree. He cut his forehead and she gave him first aid.
First aid? Leni suddenly thought. That was the idea! There were paramedics at every concert and their uniforms gave them universal access.


"The concert is tomorrow and you act as if we were on a beach in Rio!”
"Roy, please!” Mike, Roy's musical director sounded tired. "The roadies have been at it since three this morning, not to mention myself. We need a break! "Great! Take a break! It isn't you the audience will be booing!” Kate rose from an amplifier box with a sigh. "Roy, people love you! 'Love' went from nowhere to number one in Britain since you've been touring.”

Roy shrugged. His manager had no idea. She didn't know how it felt to be forever pursued by shrieking teenage girls, nor about his constant fear of failure. "It's going to be like it was in Oslo.” Kate grabbed Roy by the shoulders and forced him to look her in the eyes.

"Get a grip on yourself, dammit! That gig was at the beginning of your career! Ten years ago! You are a thousand times better than you were at that time. Roy, you're a global star, no one will ever treat you like that again!”

"What's going on?” Roy's tour manager climbed onto the huge stage. "Nothing. Roy is having his usual fit of paranoia,” Mike remarked dryly.

"I would say, perfectionisms. Right, Roy?” "Nick!” Roy hadn't heard his best friend arrive. Out of nowhere he suddenly stood before him. "Thanks for the prompting, buddy!” They hugged and Roy squeezed Nick tightly, much tighter than usual. "Say, is it true what the papers say about you and Mandy?”

"Did you come from Florida just to hear the latest gossip? You know how the journalists exaggerate. I'm perfectly fine!” "I saw a paparazzi-picture of you in one of the tabloids, and you didn't look fine at all.” "Let's talk about something else. I've written a new song.” Roy grabbed a guitar and rummaged in his pockets for a plectrum. "Roy, I didn't charter a private jet to be lied to. I can see what's going on here.”

"That wouldn't have been necessary. I just learned another lesson concerning women.” "And that is...?” "That I can't trust any of them.” Roy abruptly played a few chords. "Mandy must have been desperate for a headline. I'm so afraid she will talk about Mom next.” "She knows?” Nick turned pale, but Roy didn't answer. The band had started to play and he grabbed the microphone. He only wanted to sing now, and not have to think.

Constanze Kobell

Warum ich Autorin geworden bin? Ich erzähle einfach gerne! Schon als Kind diktierte ich meinem Vater erste Geschichten. Als ich endlich schreiben konnte, folgten Artikel in der Schülerzeitung. Während meines Geschichtsstudiums verfasste ich Radiobeiträge und meinen ersten Roman Pietros Jahr für die Literaturzeitschrift Torso. Danach folgten Veröffentlichungen u. a. in der Zeitschrift Literatur in Bayern. Nebenbei moderierte ich Literaturlesungen. Seit über sieben Jahren schreibe ich Bücher für PersonalNOVEL. Nebenbei arbeite ich als Übersetzerin für "Leichte Sprache". Mehr Informationen finden Sie unter

Frequency of appearance

We have summarised all personalisation options for this book here. We also listed the Frequency of appearance for the respective details. You do not need to fill in all options – you can also use the defaults.

Männliche Hauptrolle

First name of hero
324 x
Hair colour of hero
1 x
Colour of hero’s eyes
2 x
Hero's scent
2 x
Pet name for the hero
3 x
Name of the former boygroup
2 x

Weibliche Hauptrolle

First name of the heroine
408 x
Hair colour of heroine
3 x
Colour of heroine’s eyes
2 x
Heroine's scent
1 x
Pet name for the heroine
4 x
Heroine's hometown
3 x

Mutter der männlichen Hauptrolle

First name of hero's mother
11 x

Beste Freundin der weiblichen Hauptrolle

First name of heroine's girlfriend
11 x

Bester Freund der männlichen Hauptrolle

First name of hero's friend
39 x

Ex-Freundin der männlichen Hauptrolle

First name of the hero's ex-girlfriend
26 x

Berühmte Popsängerin

First name of famous singer (female)
27 x

Alternder Popstar

First name of aging rockstar
10 x

Fieser Programmdirektor

First name of head of programming
5 x


First name of the producer (female)
13 x

Konkurrentin der weiblichen Hauptrolle

First name of female rival
29 x

Sensibler Bühnenarbeiter

First name of roadie3
45 x


First name of background singer1
50 x

Ein Bühnenarbeiter

First name of roadie1
10 x

Ein weiterer Bühnenarbeiter

First name of roadie2
6 x

Zweite Backgroundsängerin

First name of background singer2
6 x

Musikalischer Leiter der männlichen Hauptfigur

First name of male star manager
4 x

Managerin der männlichen Hauptrolle

First name of female star manager
34 x


First name of talk show host
3 x
Family name of talk show host
13 x

Fahrer der männlichen Hauptrolle

First name of tour bus driver
3 x

Bodyguard der männlichen Hauptrolle

First name of bodyguard1
1 x

Zweiter Bodyguard der männlichen Hauptrolle

First name of bodyguard2
3 x


First name of lighting engineer
1 x

Schwuler Visagist

First name of gay make-up artist
1 x

Tochter der beiden Hauptrollen

First name of the heroine's daughter
2 x

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