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Star of the Seas

zzgl. £26.95 GBP

England during the reign of Elizabeth I – living the life of a pirate, he has sworn revenge for his family, fallen from grace and dispossessed of all their lands. With the Spanish Armada threatening England’s coastline, he decides to sever all ties to his native country and become a mercenary in the enemy’s service. Only a woman stands between him and high treason, a woman with spirit enough to restore his faith in honour and love.

The first encounter between the enemies England and Spain takes place on a small island in the middle of the Atlantic. The buccaneer has to make the most difficult decision of his life, between long-awaited revenge and the love of his life. How will he decide?

Autor : Heather O Lance
Illustration: thaysen
ca. 112 Pages
SKU: star-of-the-seas Categories: ,
Starting at 26.95 GBP
incl. VAT plus delivery costs

(Italic:will be replaced with your input)

Characters :

Not personalised characters:

Verbündete der weiblichen Hauptrolle

Pauline, the girlfriend, a young woman from a family of former slaves, who Helen meets on the pirates’ island; she becomes her ally when it comes to winning Thomas’ heart.

Weibliche Hauptrolle

Lady Helen Wharburton, the heroine, persuades Sir Thomas Moncrief to give up his idea of fighting for Spain against his own country, England, and falls in love with him...

Männliche Hauptrolle

Sir Thomas Moncrief, the hero, is a buccaneer seeking revenge for his family, fallen from grace; but finally he comes to his senses and his patriotism gains the upper hand.

Schöne Spanierin

Anna da la Cadena-Moradegno, the beautiful Spanish woman, arranges the contact between Thomas and the Spanish forces, and falls in love with Jacob. She and Helen are wary of each other at first, but later become friends.

Älterer Bruder der weiblichen Hauptrolle

Lord Jacob Wharburton, Helen’s elder brother; he wants his sister to marry according to her station, and falls in love with Donna Anna.

Jüngerer Bruder der weiblichen Hauptrolle

Eric, Helen’s younger brother and member of a company of actors; Thomas mistakes him for Helen’s lover, while Jacob believes Anna to be in love with him.

Freund der männlichen Hauptrolle

Paul Bent, the male friend, companion and friend to Thomas; he goes with Thomas, who once saved his life, but this time he does not survive.


Tina, Helens foster mother.

(Italic:will be replaced with your input)


A pirate drama on the Seven Seas, including two ships


England, Spain, and the Atlantic Ocean


16th Century
(Italic:will be replaced with your input)


He stood up. Donna did the same. Her dark eyes shone with a temptation no man had ever been able to resist.
“I hope you shall come to see more than just my masculine intellect,” she purred and brushed the hard-muscled top of his arm as if by accident. Sir Thomas reacted quicker than lightning. He grabbed Donna by the shoulder and tore her to him. Before she could cry out, he forced his mouth hard on her lips. When at last he released her, his eyes were shining, cold and contemptuous.
“I am sure your wishes will be fulfilled, Milady. I expect you back in this inn in one week’s time, then I shall have you brought to my ship. The password is “Mistress”. Your answer: “Stella Maris”. Remember this and farewell.”
Her whole body trembling, Donna watched him cross the tap-room, only to disappear in the crowded streets.
“Yes, we shall meet again, Sir Thomas,” she said softly. Impossible to tell whether her words were meant as a threat or a promise.

Scarcely had the door shut behind Sir Thomas Moncrief, than a young lad jumped up from his seat in the corner, where he had been nursing a small ale unobserved. He hastily threw down a coin on the dirty table, and rushed outside. With long bounds he ran through filthy alleyways to the Rose Theatre, its silhouette showing dark on the banks of the Thames. Without looking to the left or right, he pulled the door open and thundered inside. He came to a stop, out of breath, a few steps in front of the stage where a group of actors was rehearsing. As he stopped, he pulled his hat from his head, releasing a cascade of long blonde curls down his narrow back.
“Eric!” he called in a girl‘s voice as clear as a bell. “Eric, I saw him!”
The rehearsal broke off, and a young man stepped away from the group. He tried to look strict, but his eyes were dancing.
“You are impossible, poppet! What are you doing here? All dressed up like that.”
The girl laughed brightly.
“It is good, is it not? No-one recognised me. I even ordered a beer in a pub. Do not look at me like that, I did not drink it. But that is where I saw him! Him, Eric! Sir Thomas Moncrief!”

Birgit Erwin

Birgit Erwin (aka Heather O’Lance) was born in Aachen, Germany, in 1974. She studied English and German Literature in Heidelberg and Southampton. After graduation she worked as a PR assistant but then became a teacher for German, English and Ethical Education. After publishing several fantasy novels, she dedicated a crime trilogy to the medieval city of Friedrichshafen together with her co-author and husband Ulrich Buchhorn. Since 2004 she is a novelist for PersonalNOVEL.

Frequency of appearance

We have summarised all personalisation options for this book here. We also listed the Frequency of appearance for the respective details. You do not need to fill in all options – you can also use the defaults.

Verbündete der weiblichen Hauptrolle

Girlfriend’s first name
11 x

Weibliche Hauptrolle

Heroine’s first name
176 x
Colour of heroine’s eyes
4 x
Colour of heroine’s hair
7 x
Pet name for the heroine
4 x
Heroine’s favourite colour
2 x

Männliche Hauptrolle

Hero’s first name
203 x
Colour of hero’s eyes
4 x
Colour of hero’s hair
2 x
Pet name for the hero
2 x
Hero's favourite colour
1 x

Schöne Spanierin

Beautiful Spanish girl’s first name
51 x

Älterer Bruder der weiblichen Hauptrolle

Heroine’s elder brother’s first name
89 x

Jüngerer Bruder der weiblichen Hauptrolle

Heroine’s younger brother’s first name
55 x

Freund der männlichen Hauptrolle

Male friend’s first name
60 x


Foster mother's first name
1 x

Handlungsort und Kulisse

Name of inn
3 x
Name of English ship
12 x
Name of Spanish ship
3 x

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