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Manhattan Killer

zzgl. £26.95 GBP

When a rich businessman is shot in broad daylight, it seems to be a clear case. Everything suggests that the killer had been sent by an infamous boss of New York’s criminal underworld. The detective, who is hired by the daughter of the murdered businessman, initially believes this is true, too. But then things don’t fit together and his doubts start to grow. It is a race through a labyrinth of death…

Autor : Henry Rohmer
Illustration: McBride
ca. 112 Pages
SKU: manhattan-killer Categories: ,
Starting at 26.95 GBP
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(Italic:will be replaced with your input)

Characters :

Not personalised characters:

Männliche Hauptrolle

Bount Reiniger, the hero, a likeable, smart New York detective who is nobody’s fool.

Assistentin der männlichen Hauptrolle

June March, the heroine, his attractive and likeable assistant.

Leiter des Morddezernats

Chief Rogers, the policeman, Head of the New York Criminal Investigation Department and a friend of Bount; they support each other during the hunt for criminals.


Larry Kostler is the murder victim; an overweight, rich business man who is killed; he has only a brief personal appearance, other than that he is merely talked about.; “Larry Kostler” is only his cover name; his real name is uncovered at the end of the story: Gerald Sullivan

Tochter des Mordopfers

Geraldine Kostler, Larry’s daughter; she pulls all the strings, eager to lay her hands on her Dad’s inheritance prematurely; Bount finds out what her game is and has her arrested in the end.

Sohn des Mordopfers

Brian Kostler, Larry’s “wayward” son who tends to drink too much and is in constant financial trouble; he becomes a victim of one of the murder attempts that Geraldine commissions, but is only injured.


Newman, the psychopath murderer of Larry, Brady, Maldini and Jones. The four guys had tried to kill him and had believed him dead, but Newman survived and sought revenge. First he appears under a cover name, "Bridger"; later his true name comes to light.


Marvin, the bad guy, a disagreeable member of staff of the F.B.I who creates problems for Bount and is finally killed.

Ex-Angestellter des Mordopfers

Arthur Dickson, Larry’s former employee who was fired due to embezzlement; he cooperates with the killer and is finally shot by the same.

Chauffeur des Mordopfers

Henson, Larry’s driver who is killed during the attempt to murder Larry and who only has a very brief appearance.


Brady, a dealer (also for drugs) who had been serving as an informer for Bount since several years; he is shot.

Freundin des Drogendealers

Laura, Brady’s girlfriend, a former stripper; she only has a brief appearance.


Maldini, a large-scale gangster who is involved in any business that seems worth it; he is shot and only appears as a corpse in the novel.


Jones, the owner of a bar who doesn’t appear in person.

(Italic:will be replaced with your input)


Detective story with male as the main charater, without love story


New York


The present
(Italic:will be replaced with your input)


Larry Kostler was in no great mood this morning, as he was being driven to the office by his driver.
Trouble was brewing in his company and it looked like he would have to come down heavy to sort things out again.
But at this very moment his mind seemed somewhere else. He gazed out of the window, deep in thought, while his driver, Henson, steered the black limousine through the traffic of New York.
There came a point in life where you asked yourself: What’s it all for? And maybe Larry Kostlerhad arrived at just that point.
He checked his watch again.
He was running late. Looking out at the rain the reason why Larry Kostlerwas running late - for the first time in years - seemed obvious: it was the weather and the heavy traffic.
But, no, this wasn’t the reason.
Kostler had briefly seen his notary that morning. This had been one of those things which he hadn’t been looking forward to and which he had kept putting off for as long as possible.
What the hell!, he thought. At least that’s behind me now!
And the company wouldn’t run away. It would still be there a little later...
If anyone could afford to run late, he could. He was the boss.
Shortly the car arrived in front of a large building within which the Kostler Holding Company had its offices.
The car stopped. Henson hopped out first to open the door for his boss.
“I might need you again in half an hour!” Kostler told him. “So be prepared.”
“Yes, Sir!”
Kostler got out of the car awkwardly. His movements were a little clumsy.
He was almost two stone overweight. This slowed him down. He was panting pitifully and his face had turned bright red by the time he had managed to complete this manoeuvre. Finally he was standing next to his driver.
That’s when it happened.
Kostler could hear screeching tyres and a car speeding towards them.
He turned around automatically. It was a two-seater sports car with tinted windows. This was as much as he managed to see.
Everything else was a matter of just a few seconds!
One of the windows was lowered slightly and something long was pushed out of it. Just a few inches. Then there was a sudden flash.
It was a muzzle flash without any sound of a shot. Only a mere click of the trigger which was almost completely swallowed by the surrounding noises.
It was a sound that made Larry Kostler’s blood freeze. A sound he knew all too well...
A bloody ugly sound, even though you could hardly hear it.
Larry Kostler watched a bullet scratch a bit of paint from the roof of his limousine. Right in front of his eyes.
Before he realised what was happening - that the driver of that car was obviously trying to kill him - a second shot was fired. And a third. And a fourth.
Then Kostler saw his driver lying there on the pavement with a small round hole in his head.
His eyes were wide open, staring up at the smog-laden sky. He was dead.
Kostler felt paralysed.
Then he felt a hellish pain in his left shoulder. The impact of the first bullet swung him right around. The second bullet hit him in the side of his chest.
The last thing he felt was dizziness.
Everything started to spin.
And then he felt weak.
His legs gave way and he collapsed. He heard lots of people running over, all talking at once excitedly.
Someone screamed hysterically.
And then Kostler heard the screeching of those tyres again. That car was evidently speeding away from the scene.
Then suddenly everything went silent. And dark.
Very, very dark...

Frequency of appearance

We have summarised all personalisation options for this book here. We also listed the Frequency of appearance for the respective details. You do not need to fill in all options – you can also use the defaults.

Männliche Hauptrolle

Hero’s first name
409 x
Hero’s family name
52 x
Hero’s hair colour
1 x
Hero’s eye colour
1 x
Hero's car
9 x
Colour of hero's car
2 x

Assistentin der männlichen Hauptrolle

Heroine’s first name
21 x
Heroine’s family name
3 x
Heroine’s hair colour
1 x
Heroine’s eye colour
1 x

Leiter des Morddezernats

Family name of the of the Head of the Criminal Investigation Department
74 x


Cover first name of business man
26 x
Cover family name of business man
80 x
Real first name of business man
4 x
Real family name of business man
4 x

Tochter des Mordopfers

First name of business man's daughter
83 x
Daughter's hair colour
1 x
Daughter's eye colour
1 x

Sohn des Mordopfers

First name of business man's son
34 x


Name of the psychopath murderer
22 x
Cover name of psychopath murderer
45 x


Family name of bad guy at F.B.I.
35 x

Ex-Angestellter des Mordopfers

Family name of former employee
56 x

Chauffeur des Mordopfers

Family name of business man's driver
3 x


First name of hero's informer
74 x

Freundin des Drogendealers

First name of informer's girlfriend
2 x


Family name of large-scale gangster
87 x


Family name of bar owner
5 x

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