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2 male and 2 female roles
Marie, the heroine; a young woman who owns an art gallery; has major financial problems; a stranger called Eros unexpectedly comes to her rescue; sometime later Marie finds herself in a Heavenly City where she meets her soulmate
Oliver, the hero; an angel; he and Marie fall in love with each other when Marie is in the Heavenly City; before the two of them are allowed to live together they have to pass a rigorous test; they pass the test and live happily together by the end of the story
Sabine, Marie’s best friend; extremely attractive young lady; has been going out with Mark for the past two years; she cares deeply for Marie; is wary of Oliver at first, until she, too, grows fond of him
Mark, Sabine’s boyfriend; a pleasant young lawyer; he and Oliver meet through Marie ; he likes Marie; very kind and loves his girlfriend
Not personalised characters:
Eros, the god of love
Mrs. Feinbeck
The Lady Mayoress

Autor : Tina Jacobi
Illustration: Gisela Dürr
ca. 36 Pages

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