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Cover: “The Night had your Name”

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Female main character
Lady Sarah Cavendish: comes from a wealthy family. Her mother is dead and her father away on business; young pale skin; long brown hair; finds herself unattractive and has low self-confidence; is amazed that the attractive Steven wants to marry her; loves and admires her friend Elizabeth; falls in love with Gregory during a visit to the Opera and decides to stay with him once she discovers his double life; when Gregory is suspected of being Jack the Ripper and is hunted by the police, she forgives him the bet and helps him prove his innocence; in the end, he turns her into a female vampire - at her request - and they stay together.
Male main character
Lord Gregory Saville: turned into a vampire in the 17th century; gaunt, pale face; slender ivory-coloured body with hairless chest; enters into an improper bet with Steven Carmichael when he agrees to seduce Steven's fiancée, Sarah, so that she will have no choice but to forgive Steven's unfaithfulness; falls in love with Sarah and must clear up his name as Jack the Ripper then; afraid of turning Sarah into a female vampire because he turned Jacqueline Fitzgerald, his former lover, into a vampire, who became a cruel murderer as a result; has to fight and kill Jacqueline in the end; almost dies in the process; Sarah's blood saves him and he eventually turns her into a female vampire.
Fiancé of the female main character
Steven Carmichael: gambler and playboy who can't stay faithful; has an affair with Elizabeth; always calls Sarah "little one" and is more interested in her family's money than in her.
Best friend of the female main character
Elizabeth Brighley: a wealthy widow and Sarah's best friend; envied by Sarah for her beauty; has blonde hair and a flawless complexion; always calls Sarah "darling"; musically talented, plays the piano; quick-witted and self-assured, yet sometimes a bit superficial and self-involved; in love with Steven, yet wants to end the affair for the sake of Sarah; initially fascinated by Lady Fitzgerald, but is stabbed to death by the latter later.
Investigating inspector
George Abberline: an inspector of the London Police; about 50 years old, with greying hair; is married, but also a bit in love with Sarah; dances with her at a ball and worries about her; in the end, he comes to the rescue of Sarah and Gregory in the fight with Jacqueline.
Assistant of the investigating inspector
Sergeant Watkins: Abberline's colleague; is knocked unconscious by Owen, but gets away with a bump on his head.
Servant of the male main character
Owen: Gregory's loyal servant; gigantic Irishman with short hair; former prize boxer who killed a man; taken out of jail by Gregory; sinister contemporaries, but helps Gregory and Sarah to flee from the police.
Servant of the female main character
Emily: Sarah’s maid; round face; loyal soul; sweet nature.

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With her eyes and hair, looks fantastic in her new dress and smells seductively of . In the Opera, she has a fateful encounter with Lord . They know that they are meant for each other. The stranger with the hair, fascinating eyes and outfit smells delicately of and makes quite an impression on right away. But not only her fiancé , who has an affair with her lady-friend , stands in the way of her love. keeps a dark secret. Is he 'Jack the Ripper', the wanted murderer of prostitutes? Inspector and Sergeant from Scotland Yard follow this trail at least. Thanks to the active support of the endearing lady's maid and the sinister lackey , both lovers eventually find each other and can call one another and affectionately.