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Cover: “Through the Dark”

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Miranda Preston, former weather anchor; moved from Chicago to live on the farm she inherited from her grandmother; trained in martial arts; carries a handgun; drives a rusted Chevy; not much of a cook; only child; loving memory of her late grandmother and father; implied to be romantically interested in Luke; suffers from paralyzing fear of the dark, aggravated when she is poisoned; eventually overcomes her nyctophobia.
The heroine's dog
Rufus, Miranda’s small, yappy dog; loyal; inquisitive
Luke Gregorio, good-looking young man; hiding in Miranda’s barn whilst trying to find out what happened to his identical twin brother, who worked for Harlan before disappearing; lies constantly to maintain his cover; shot twice but survives; admires Miranda’s strength; rescues her from Harlan and his cronies.
The hero's dog
Butch, Luke’s large dog; protective; good-natured
Sissy Morris, Harlan’s housekeeper; elderly woman; excellent cook; cheerful, goodhearted; asthmatic; visits her sister every Sunday; animal lover, keeps cats and dogs.
Patty Carmichael; works at the post office; extremely friendly and chatty; difficult to refuse; married; husband is considerably older than her and very quiet; husband appears but is referred to only as Mr. Carmichael.

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The eyed haired heroine moves to the country where she inherited her grandmother’s house. Life at the farm however is not easy for her, especially at night when there are mysterious strangers lurking in the dark. Maybe she could detract herself with a novel from her favourite author ? At least her dog named is there to comfort her. Also there is her dubious neighbour who tries to convince her to sell the house. Apparently she is not the only one threatened by Harlan. , whose hair and eyes attract the heroine, also tries to solve a mystery around the unfriendly neighbour. Together with his dog they decide to uncover Harlan Hunter’s dark ploys. Maybe his housekeeper, , knows something? How could the chatty postmistress, , be of any help?