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Cover: “The Bush Pilot”

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Female main character
Sandy Small, trained mechanic and pilot from London; early thirties; charming, stubborn and daring; extremely attractive (slim, long hair, feminine curves); pretends to be a man on paper in order to get the job as a pilot for the St. Benedict mission station in the Brazilian jungle; has had one long relationship with a man so far; thinks that she is not made for long-term relationships; falls in love with Billy; after the plane crash, they are finally a couple.
Male main character
Dr. Billy Norman, head of the mission station; mid thirties; gruff, unapproachable and initially tries everything to get rid of Sandy; left the private clinic in Liverpool to help people in the jungle and to forget the fatal accident of his wife Mary; fights back his feelings for Sandy for a long time; gets bitten by a poisonous snake and fights with death, but survives and finally confesses his love to Sandy.
Best friend of the main female character
Beth Holloway, Sandy’s best friend from playschool days and now flat mate in London; not keen on the idea that her friend wants to go into the jungle; small role at the beginning of the story.
Brazilian male nurse
Joaquim Santo, approximately 20-year-old Brazilian; grew up in a village in the jungle; works as a nurse and is Billy’s right hand at the mission; admires Billy and is nearly always at his side.
Nun at mission station
Sister Pilar, nun at the mission station; caring; the only woman whom Billy accepts around him; wise and kind; notices very quickly that Billy and Sandy are actually made for each other; the rumour that the two have died almost causes her to lose her belief in God.
Father who was transferred for disciplinary reasons
Father Andreas, a rebel priest in his earlier days; transferred to the mission for disciplinary reasons; Billy’s silent, gruff demeanour reminds him of himself when he was still young; Father Andreas at peace with himself today and extremely kind.

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The young pilot from in is looking for a new challenge, much to the disapproval of her best friend and flat mate . The -eyed beauty with hair loves wearing clothes, enjoys listening to and smells of . She succeeds in getting the job as a bush pilot in the deep Brazilian jungle. The doctor in charge, Dr. , wants no women around him though. The attractive man with hair and eyes, who is always dressed in and smells of , tries everything to get rid of . Even ’s friend , Sister and Father , who have all taken a great liking to their young colleague are unable to change events. Only after a plane crash in the middle of nowhere do our two heroes find each other. In the end, our and are happily married and affectionately call each other “” and “”.